学校: 业务
学位类型: 硕士学位
格式: 混合| 在线
学生类型: Graduate Accelerated and 在线

Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership Degree

为在职的成年学生,他们的目标是进入管理或执行角色, 亚博体育的组织领导力硕士学位将经典概念和理论与现实世界的应用相结合. 因为商业世界需要的不仅仅是指路的领导者, this program’s structure turns students into effective negotiators, problem-solvers, 以及影响和激励他人实现组织目标并在一系列环境中推动变革的沟通者.

面向已经工作了几年的专业人士, 这个组织领导硕士学位提供了一个混合的格式,并介绍了学生可以在他们现有的全职职业中应用的概念.

Program Objectives

组织领导硕士课程采用全面的方法来培养先进的领导技能, starting with long-held theories, 模型, 最佳实践, and case studies. 植根于社会科学的课程鼓励学生审视行为, 认知, 战略, 精神上的, 以及人际关系角度的领导理论,并平衡了一般的功能观点与商业世界中更人性化的因素. 反过来, 想要获得证书以获得晋升或扩展技能的候选人学习得更强, more effective communication techniques, 培养对工作场所动态和情商的理解, and gain the knowledge for building and maintaining successful teams, making 战略 decisions, and discovering their own leadership style.

During this intensive two-year program, students:

  • 获得管理员工、业务流程和计划的执行层技能;
  • 深入了解当今的全球商业环境, including leadership trends and current issues;
  • learn practical applications, including organizational dynamics in relation to business systems, 文化, and environments;
  • 在基督教道德原则的背景下发展道德观点和个人诚信;
  • compare and contrast leadership theories, 模型, 和风格, and use this information to find their own methodology;
  • 分析全球化背景下的组织战略和运营;
  • 学习制定基于决策技巧的组织问题的战略解决方案, 金融, interpersonal and group dynamics, 研究, and analysis; and
  • 了解伦理和基督教价值观在组织中的位置.

Master’s in Organizational Leadership Curriculum

组织领导力硕士课程包括12门课程,共36学分. The program begins with a traditional management foundation, 在课程进行到社会和行为科学的主题,并检查领导行为和技术在工作场所的作用之前. 也, in considering tomorrow’s corporate and nonprofit teams, 该课程通过所有业务功能领域考察领导力, including financial management, data collection and analysis, ethical and moral responsibilities, 法律问题, group performance, and instituting change.

组织领导硕士课程以论文项目结束, 在这门课程中,学生将所有介绍的概念整合起来,分析和解决一个组织问题,并展示他们的书面沟通能力, 研究, and problem-solving skills in the process.

Cohort Study Curriculum
36 Semester Credits
Courses are 3 credits and 6 weeks in length
BUS 500A | Foundations for Successful Graduate Studies | 3 credits
BUS 501A | Leading Diverse, High Performing Teams | 3 credits
BUS 502A | Technology Trends in 业务 Culture | 3 credits
BUS 505A | Managing Change | 3 credits
BUS 600A | 业务 Ethics | 3 credits
BUS 613A | Research Methods Workshop | 1 credit
MOL 503A | Financial Environments of Organizations | 3 credits
MOL 508A | Project Management | 3 credits
MOL 509A |社会企业家精神与可持续商业| 3学分
MOL 604A | Legal and Regulatory Environment of 业务 | 3 credits
MOL 610A | Coaching, Mentoring, and Conflict Resolution | 3 credits
MOL 611A | Problem Solving and Decision Making | 3 credits
MOL 612A | Integrated Organizational Leadership Project | 2 credits

学生最多可以将两门课程的学分转到组织领导硕士学位, 前提是这门课是在过去五年内修过的,并且在课程亚博体育前提出了书面申请. 个别学生的时间表和经济援助包装将被考虑到替代课程的审批过程中. 学生必须完成MOL 500A和MOL 612A居住在亚博体育.



亚博体育以混合形式提供组织领导力硕士学位. 作为我们的 专业 & Graduate Studies (PGS) programs, students work with classmates in similar life stages, 发展联系,扩大他们的专业网络,并从他们的导师那里获得个性化的关注. 此外:

  • all courses last six weeks, unless noted;
  • our faculty members work in the field themselves and often incorporate their experiences into their lessons; and
  • courses begin on a monthly basis, 这样学生们就不用等一整个学期才能亚博体育学习了.

Hybrid Master’s in Organizational Leadership

Warner Pacific University offers this program in a hybrid format, 为每门课程制定一个时间表,包括面对面和在线课程. WPU将在我们的学校举办所有组织领导学位的面对面课程 Mt. Tabor campus in SE Portland. 为了您的方便,课程地点在六周内不会改变. 当在线, students will access weekly assignments, 讲座, 还有论坛讨论,可以让学生定期与教授和同学联系.

Careers in Organizational Leadership


  • government agencies;
  • corporate management;
  • owning a small business;
  • systems management;
  • human resources;
  • 教育;
  • labor relations;
  • 医疗保健;
  • project management;
  • nonprofit organization; and
  • organizational training.

Through the program’s structure, students gain a broad understanding of business functions, how they work together, 以及在公司和部门层面推动变革和实现目标的策略. Based on figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 预计在2018年至2028年间,对管理和行政专业人员的需求将平均增长7%, with potential roles including:

  • Administrative services manager;
  • Advertising, promotions, or marketing manager;
  • Compensation and benefits manager;
  • Human resources manager;
  • Medical and health services manager;
  • Public relations and fundraising manager;
  • Social and community services manager; and
  • Training and development manager.



  • complete an application for admission;
  • 在地区认可的学院或大学获得学士学位;
  • 提供迄今为止就读的所有高等教育机构的所有正式成绩单;
  • have earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher for all undergraduate coursework (if below a 3.0, the applicant should write a brief explanation regarding reasons for their GPA); and
  • 包括一个写作样本(不超过一页),回答以下问题:
    • Why do you want to earn an MAOL degree?
    • What experiences have you had that led you to this degree?

Learn More 亚博体育 WPU’s Master’s in Organizational Leadership Degree

通过WPU的组织领导硕士学位,让您的职业生涯更上一层楼,并突出您的管理潜力. To learn more about the program, contact PGS 招生 通过电子邮件 or by phone at 800-804-1510, or request additional information today.


Our 业务 Department faculty would love to hear from you.

Dr. Ulf矛
Interim Dean of 业务
PH: 503-517-1324

Graduate 项目 Partners:

Avis Budget Group
Central City Concern
Farmer’s Insurance
Kaiser Permanente
Multnomah County
Oregon Manufacturing Innovation Center
Port of Portland
Portland Public Schools
Providence 健康 Systems
State of Oregon
Self Enhancement, Inc.
U.S. 银行
富国银行(Wells Fargo)

